Messages via the Wind

posted in: by LaNelle | 0

It seems like we’ve had an exceptionally windy Spring. Maybe I just forget from year to year how windy Spring is.  I really don’t enjoy the wind.  I don’t mind a breeze, but what we’ve been experiencing lately doesn’t really … Continued

Signature of the Creator

posted in: by LaNelle | 0

by LaNelle Martin This morning I was sitting on the loveseat in my living room and admiring the stained glass window that we installed earlier this year.  My friend JoAnn created this beautiful window to fit this particular spot in … Continued


posted in: by LaNelle | 0

By LaNelle Martin My grandson had seen my Christmas village lit up during the daylight hours.  He had picked out his favorite buildings in the village and commented on the little people and the snowy trees. But when he stayed … Continued

The Universal Shoes

posted in: by LaNelle | 0

Today I took a deep breath and made a big change to our entry way. I threw away a pair of shoes.These were not just any shoes, though. They originally belonged to me, and at one time they were adecent-looking, … Continued

Help is on the Way!

posted in: by LaNelle | 0

My three year old grandson has a favorite song right now. He sings it several times each day. It is Toby Mac’s song, “Help is on the way,” which speaks of God’s help that we can depend on no matter … Continued

Lane Assist

posted in: by LaNelle | 0

by LaNelle Recently, we were able to get a new vehicle to replace the old Jeep (it has proven itself with nearly 250,000 miles).  I didn’t want a lot of fancy features, so this Buick doesn’t have all the bells … Continued

Faith Forged in Fire

posted in: by Danielle | 0

My 15 year-old son introduced me to the show Forged in Fire. I didn’t have an interest at first, but as I watched the first episode, I quickly became intrigued.  In the show, four blacksmiths compete against each other to … Continued

Easter Encouragement

posted in: by LaNelle | 0

When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome brought spices so they might go anoint Jesus’ body. Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way … Continued