Cactus Flowers

posted in: by LaNelle | 0

I just saw four big yellow flowers on some cactus in our pasture.  

Cactus flowers bring back some memories of growing up in the country.  When the yellow, pink, and red blossoms appeared on the cacti in the pastures surrounding our house, my brother Cole and I would get ready to go on a quest.  I can’t remember just what we used to remove the flowers, but we tried to find some of each color and we’d carefully bring our treasures back to the house.  I think we pulled our Radio Flyer wagon across the rocks and sagebrush.  It was quite a process, and I definitely remember  more than one unpleasant poke from a prickly pear.  Probably, our efforts helped develop future persistence and courage in facing difficulties, but they were pretty much wasted otherwise. 

Unfortunately, cactus flowers are not a good cut flower.  It isn’t just their prickly nature that keeps florists from incorporating the blossoms into a beautiful bouquet.  They wilt and wither rather quickly when removed.  We really didn’t have much enjoyment once we brought the flowers back.  However, I remember going for cactus flowers several times.  (I’m sure this was due to my urging; I don’t remember Cole ever suggesting another cacti adventure!)  

Our trips for cactus flowers reminds me of the way we as humans often pursue things that have no lasting purpose or value.  They may be very attractive things. They catch our eye and capture our desire.  We are willing to work hard and take unnecessary risks.  Sometimes we will endure pain to gain these things.  But they don’t last.  In a short time, they fade away and no longer bring us pleasure.  The things of the world, just like cactus flowers, just don’t satisfy.  

The apostle John tells us, “Do not love the world…for all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and the pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world.  And the world is passing away, along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.”  1 John 2:15-17

The “cactus flowers” of this world can easily distract us from the eternal things that God has for us.  We can find ourselves pursuing these temporary things and the pursuit will take all of our time and energy, but leave us empty.  For those who have been saved by faith in Christ Jesus, the focus should be on the work of God’s kingdom and the lasting treasures found in a relationship with Him.  

When I see cactus flowers now, I have no desire to go collect them.  (I’m sure that Cole is also happy to observe them from a distance!)  I pray that God will help me to see the things of this world in the same way, and to focus my efforts on the things that are truly beautiful and eternal.