Call to me…

posted in: by LaNelle | 0

A few days ago my phone rang in the middle of the day, and I was surprised to see that my granddaughters were video calling me. They had found a feather they wanted to ask me about. I was so pleased to hear from them and to know they were thinking of me. I was grateful for technology that allows me to see my granddaughters although they are far away. 
It made me think about how we have a great privilege of being able to call our heavenly Father any time. Christ Jesus provided that access through his death on the cross. And God invites us to call… “Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.” Jeremiah 33:3. 
Do we call on God often? Do we bring him our questions and concerns? Do we think of our heavenly Father and desire to talk with him?
Not only does God always have the right answer, he longs for us to call on him. He desires a relationship with us. 
Heavenly Father, help me to call on you more. Help me to quit depending on my own resources and my own knowledge and to desire your wisdom. Help me to realize that  “in your presence there is fullness of joy.” Psalm 16:11