Unnecessary Burdens

posted in: by Danielle | 0

Like many other little girls, I greatly enjoyed the Disney princess movies growing up.  In fact, it is still fun to pop some popcorn, get cozy on the couch, and get carried away by the magic, music, and imagination.  I … Continued

Beautifully Broken

posted in: by Danielle | 1

We are broken people.  We look at our lives and see imperfection, pain, shattered dreams, and irreparable relationships.  We believe we’ve messed up beyond redemption; that we can never have the smooth, ideal life we once eagerly anticipated.  We believe … Continued

Kingdom Perspective

posted in: by Danielle | 0

Sometimes all I see is the continual decay of a dying, corrupt world.  Everything ages and fades. A Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, is known for the quote, “The only constant is change.”  This inconsistent and shaky ground makes me feel so … Continued

Purpose in Pain

posted in: by Danielle | 2

Each time I take my toddler in to get his vaccinations, he recognizes nurse Kelbie right away and points to the door.  I know that Kelbie is sweet and kind hearted, but Emmett remembers her as the lady who gives … Continued

The Mud

posted in: by Danielle | 0

It had rained that afternoon, a loud downpour lasting only a few minutes, but causing my students to race from their work to the window. I allowed them a moment to watch the droplets beat the pavement, then redirected them to their work and thought no more of it. I had no idea that this rain would be the most impactful rain I’d ever experienced…