Kingdom Perspective

posted in: by Danielle | 0

Sometimes all I see is the continual decay of a dying, corrupt world.  Everything ages and fades. A Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, is known for the quote, “The only constant is change.”  This inconsistent and shaky ground makes me feel so insecure. Buildings crumble, fruits rot, flower petals turn to dust, even the earth erodes and falls away.  The people around me are hurting and suffering, filled with sorrow and anger. What is this evil place that surrounds me? Why is this happening? Why am I here in the middle of such a dark, cold, place?  Does God see me from far away on His throne in Heaven?

What do you think of when you hear someone talk about the Kingdom of God?  Until very recently, I’ve imagined it as something far, far away, in both distance and time… unreachable until we pass from this life.  I remember reading about God on His throne in Sunday School as a young child. I am pretty sure we were reading in Revelation 4, because what I remember most was coloring a picture of a large rainbow around a golden chair.  I pictured God sitting on His glorious throne watching us from somewhere distant and unapproachable until we make it through this “test” on earth, which often seems unbearable. 

There is, however, a comforting truth that has forever changed my perspective; there is an unshakable, eternal kingdom, and it is not far away like I once imagined.  Colossians 1:13 says that the Father has “rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins.” (NLT)  The more I read about it, the more I understand that His Kingdom is not something in the very distant future, but exists NOW. Christ’s Kingdom is in the hearts of those who belong to Him. His Kingdom is wherever His subjects are.  I see the things of this world in a new light, His light, which is shining out in the darkness, awakening the hearts of men, opening the ears and eyes of the lost. Even though we may be surrounded by darkness, Ephesians 5:8 explains that we are filled with His light. As He calls more people to Himself, His Kingdom grows. 

I find solace knowing that I am part of this wonderful, eternal Kingdom, which will never fade, decay, or erode.  1 Timothy 1:17 describes “the eternal King, the unseen one who never dies!” (NLT) Nothing and no one in this world can ruin God’s plan for me, because I am safely in His care.  I can rely on God to meet my needs and to provide me with strength for the challenges I face. Whatever my journey entails, I know that I can go with confidence immediately into the presence of my Heavenly King.  Unlike the death and decay of this world, He never changes. He will never grow weak. He will never become corrupt. As I see everything crumbling around me, I can stand firm on the solid ground of Christ’s Kingdom. 

© 2019