posted in: by LaNelle | 0

My husband and my granddaughter sometimes have a word exchange like this:  “I love you.”  “I love you more.”  “I love you more than that.”  “I love you even more than that!”  “Well, I love you to infinity and beyond!”    … Continued

Reminders from George

posted in: by LaNelle | 1

This week we were saddened to say goodbye to our Australian Shepherd, George.  We’ve had George for ten years and he will be missed here at the ranch. At times, I called George “the big galoot” because it seemed like … Continued

A Hierarchy of Needs

posted in: by Danielle | 0

What’s Your Motivation?  At the beginning of the school year, each teacher was given a print-out of Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy.  We discussed how important it is to remember that if our students’ physical needs and security needs are not being … Continued

Call to me…

posted in: by LaNelle | 0

A few days ago my phone rang in the middle of the day, and I was surprised to see that my granddaughters were video calling me. They had found a feather they wanted to ask me about. I was so … Continued

Impossible = Opportunity

posted in: by Danielle | 1

It can really be depressing looking at all the world’s impossible problems.  The political unrest in our society is ripping our country apart.  The coronavirus is killing people, stealing our sense of security, and destroying our economy.  Women and children … Continued

Cactus Flowers

posted in: by LaNelle | 0

I just saw four big yellow flowers on some cactus in our pasture.   Cactus flowers bring back some memories of growing up in the country.  When the yellow, pink, and red blossoms appeared on the cacti in the pastures surrounding … Continued


posted in: by Danielle | 0

Statues The turmoil and political controversies in our country lately have me really thinking.  Which people are truly worthy of being immortalized in stone?  What heroic acts constitute a statue being made in someone’s honor?  Some people have made amazing … Continued