Purpose in Pain

posted in: by Danielle | 2

Each time I take my toddler in to get his vaccinations, he recognizes nurse Kelbie right away and points to the door.  I know that Kelbie is sweet and kind hearted, but Emmett remembers her as the lady who gives him shots. It breaks my heart to see the sharp tips pierce his soft little thighs (sometimes four at once!).  His cries of pain pull tears from my own eyes, and I find it hard to breathe. I am sad that he must go through this pain, but I would not take it from him. It is necessary. It is for a purpose. These immunizations are a protection so he can live a strong and healthy life.  Even though he has no concept, no ability to comprehend why he must go through this, I know that it is what is best for him. I see the purpose in the pain.  

A corrupt and evil world surrounds us.  We are bombarded daily with new hurts, new struggles, and new adversity.  We ask God, “Why? Why must we have stress, sorrow, loss, and pain?” We try to comprehend, and sometimes we can see His plan.  However, some pain, some evil, some adversity cuts so deeply, we simply cannot fathom why God would allow it in our lives. “Why, Oh God? Why, if you love me, would you allow this?”  

The painful truth is that He doesn’t always reveal a clear answer to us.  With uncertainty comes the temptation to blame Him, resent Him, or turn away.  However, it is much more beneficial to realize our own limited ability to reason.  We are like infants compared to God’s perfect omniscience. We can only trust that He does know best; that He does care; that He does have a plan; that there is truly purpose in pain.  

When you’re hurting, things are not hopeless. Pain always has purpose, even though we cannot see or understand now. I urge you not to ask “Why?” but instead ask “How?” How will this painful struggle produce positive changes? Don’t remain in the past. Take courage and move forward with new perspective.

©2019  LivinginHisKingdom.com

2 Responses

  1. Aunt Bettie

    Just read your latest posting and it is very good advice. I can see a book in the making. Go for it!

    • livinginHiskingdom

      Thank you Aunt Bettie! Sure love you. 🙂