by Danielle Martin-Head
On the shelf, a photograph of a beautiful young woman and her love... My grandparents. The wellspring of this bountiful family. My heritage. How blessed am I! Their faith a witness to us all. They both chose to follow Jesus. When I was young, she held my hand. Three squeezes.... one, two, three. "Do you know what that means?" She smiled, "It means I love you." Her words all through my life a blessing over me. Encouraging, Comforting. She believed in me. Her most urgent admonition, Her deepest prayer over our lives... That we would follow Jesus. Recently she lay in bed. I held her hand in mine. Three squeezes.... one, two, three. "Do you know what that means?" I smiled, "It means I love you." Her smile glowed - another blessing, Her words again encouraging me to follow Jesus. A mother's love desires to protect and nurture with compassion. She is a mother to so many. So many rise and call her blessed, because she chose to follow Jesus.