Surrendering Fear

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Fear is a formidable enemy. The “what if” whispers fill my mind and consume all my energy.  What if… I lose my job? What if… my children fall away? What if… someone gets sick?  

It is fear that holds me back, that keeps me from my purpose, and causes me to crawl into my comfort zone.  I spend my time hiding there, trying in vain to avoid any possibility of pain, loss, or suffering. I spend my time obsessively organizing, anxiously budgeting, and meticulously planning, trying to prevent any future sorrow or discomfort. 

This desperate struggle for control prevents me from completely surrendering to God.  I am not saying that organization, budgeting, or planning are negative things. Responsibility is important.  It is the motivation behind them that needs addressed… the fear and worry that causes me to fruitlessly try and control uncontrollable factors instead of relying completely on God. 

Am I willing to give God everything? Am I willing to face and even embrace those moments I have no control over… including the darkest, scariest moments of uncertainty… and cling only to Him?  My heart’s desire is to be a useful tool in God’s hands. How can that ever happen until I trust Him to hold me?  

I know what I believe. It is time to put faith into action. I am ready to live without the restrictions of worry and fear – surrendering every last detail over to Him. Instead of asking, “How will I spend my money?”  I need to ask “How can I be a good steward of the money God has provided?”  Instead of worrying about my family I should trust God to protect His children. When I lay my crown at His feet, and realize that everything I have is truly His, my perspective changes.  He is in control, not me. When I trust in Him, He provides peace, and removes fear. 

So don’t worry about these things, saying “What will we eat?  What will we drink? What will we wear?” These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs.  Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:31-33 NLT