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Obedience to God is not the saving factor, but is the result of being saved. If you are not obedient to God, it reveals a problem with your heart. Rejection of God still leads to punishment and destruction.  Your actions reveal your heart.  Do you belong to God?  Do you love God?  Do you take seriously the sacrifice He made for your redemption?  If so, your entire life should change.  Your actions, choices, speech, and desires all reflect your faith.  Who is on the throne of your heart? Authentic faith leads to action – not complacency.  Wake Up!  Take Action! Let your transformation reveal what God has done for you.  Let your life be a reflection of His glory.  Are you set apart for God?  Or are you set apart for destruction?  

Suggested Scripture Reading:  Deuteronomy 7 and 8, Psalms 7:12+13, Psalms 1

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