Without a Shadow

posted in: by Danielle | 0

One of my favorite childhood poems is Robert Louis Stevenson’s “My Shadow”, which shows the wonder and annoyance a child has with his constantly changing shadow.  With every slight movement, our shadows thin or deepen, affected by season, weather, time of day, and of course our location. Our shadows reflect our constant state of change as humans.  As we age, grow, and learn new things we frequently change our minds and opinions. We are affected by every little thing. 

It is wonderful that our God never changes.  James 1:17 states that “He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.”  He is not affected by circumstances. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  He is the Light of the World, and being the source of light itself, He does not even have a shadow.  His love for me never changes, and the circumstances in my life cannot ruin His plan for me. I can rest in Him, knowing that every detail of my life, every second of every day is in His control.  

My shadow changes in relation to my location to the light. He is the light.  …“God is light, and there is no darkness in him at all.” 1 John 1:5 (NLT)